Stockholm Ref. No. SU FV-3988-24
At the Department of Physical Geography Closing date: 10 January 2025. The Department of Physical Geography is one of the major departments within the Faculty of Science. The department has approximately 110 employees and educates approximately 1 000 students annually. Education is oriented towards Geography, Geosciences, Biology-Earth sciences, Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology and Environmental Protection and Management. We offer a stimulating and friendly environment in a very diverse and international department. Project description Ecosystem service assessments of wetlands usually focus on the area of influence of the wetland unit. However, the complexity and extent of wetlandscapes invite exploring potential services beyond their direct area of influence. These services may benefit ecosystems and communities downstream, downwind, and down the chain of products originating in the wetland. For instance, a wetland unit can provide food and fish for the surrounding communities. Instead, its corresponding wetlandscape can give considerable food and water for the region and beyond, directly or through virtual water flows embedded in raw materials and products (16). Another example is the evaporation from the water surfaces of a wetlandscape, which can provide moisture for precipitation downwind. Studying ecosystem services at the wetlandscape scale can provide a more complete assessment of ecosystem services that would have been overlooked if analyzed at simpler and smaller spatial scales. The Consortium DOWES comprises six well-known institutions across five countries: 1) the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University in Sweden (SU), 2) the French Institute for Research and Development (IRD/LEGOS), 3) the Environmental Change Research Centre of the Department of Geography, University College London in the United Kingdom (UCL), 4) the Department of Science and Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Forestry Technology at the University of Florence (UNIFI) and 5) the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in Italy (POLIMI), and 6) the Mamirauá Institute for Sustainable Development in Brazil (MISD). DOWES will, in five work packages, address the main objective across six iconic wetlandscape ecosystems. The first determines high-resolution changes in the hydrological regime using the latest radar and altimetric missions. The second relates water availability to wetlandscape ecosystem responses and stressors. The third develops a participatory approach to identify perceptions of potential cultural ecosystem services. The fourth adds a layer of complexity by quantifying the provision of ecosystem services of wetlandscapes beyond the area of influence. Finally, the fifth work package combines these four to develop metrics and guidelines to track and quantify the provision of wetlandscape ecosystem services. Main responsibilities The postdoc will also help with the coordination of DOWES. Qualification requirements Assessment criteria In the appointment process, special attention will be given to research skills. The following criteria will be used for assessing candidates:
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The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position. You are welcome to apply! Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.
Closing date: 10/01/2025
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